• Communion bread bakers!
  • Easter Sunrise Service
  • St Luke's Lutheran Church
  • Easter Resurrection Worship
  • 150th Anniversary worship celebration (2019)
  • Youth prayer devotion
  • Summer worship outdoors


Welcome to St Luke's

Nestled in the heart of Bear Poplar/Mt Ulla, North Carolina, St. Luke's is dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ through worship, prayer, and ministry to our community. We are here for all who…

  • Need the Bible's message and the Christian faith to come alive, make sense and make a difference in today’s world
  • Appreciate worship that engages the mind and touches the heart
  • Seek to find purpose in life and use their God given gifts
  • Yearn for lasting relationships in genuine Christian community
  • Desire balance in their fast-paced lives, a place of retreat where life slows down and is renewed

Will you come to grow, and worship, and serve with us?  We hope to see you soon!


  • Sunday Worship - 10am

    Worship for February 9, 2025
    We will hear the story of Jesus telling the disciples he will make them "fishers of men" as we celebrate this 5th Sunday after Epiphany.  We will also be welcoming eleven new members into the congregation of our church.  We hope you can come hear about the news of discipleship and meet our new members.  If you are unable to join in person, please join us online at the link below.    

    Documents (pdfs) for February 9, 2025:  the Worship Bulletin including our Prayer listing and our Announcements page.

    Live stream video of the service is available here

  • Lunch After Worship

    Please plan to stay and enjoy lunch this Sunday, February 9, 2025, after our morning worship.  We will be welcoming new members into our congregation.  If you are able, please bring tea and dessert.  We will have plenty of food!  Please join us!

  • Upward Sports - Games on Friday and Saturday

    Come out and cheer for our children and teams as they play games in the Activity Building starting on Fridays at 6:00 p.m. and on Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.  Our concession is open for your convenience.  We love to have spectators watch, laugh, and cheer!!